"If you take any activity, any art, any discipline, any skill, take it and push it as far as it will go, push it beyond where it has ever been before, push it to the wildest edge of edges, then you force it into the realm of MAGIC " ---Tom Robbins

Monday 15 September 2014


Dark dims the winter solstice night,
A Moon’s full facade shone bright
From mountain’s peak creeps the fright,
Stands the mightiest amongst the knight

Numerous combat won,
He stood fierce for all the pawns
With clever mind he led the tribe
An authority without a bribe

Fierce, strong, righteous and never would falter
To the pack of furs, he was the father
Howls with gallantry and louder
A chivalry like no other

The strong lived, weak perishes…
Rule of nature’s wild proclaims,
He defines no fear and gains superiority
Demonstrates unyielding courage in face of adversity

To the battleship he’s the formidable opponent,
A legacy left by a great knighthood,
Far long ago when the dusk never get too cold,
Where blood ooze… injury down poured

The end of hunt stated,
Last howling heard,
Cry shed tears to the whole pack he led
Yes! a territory been maintained & victory was freed

But unfortunate for the main,
Lying lifeless beside his dame
He died with honor, an act of valor
Respect rewarded to brave ace warrior

As the lunar eclipse lights the sky
Where the stars shine brightly high
A salute growling echoed the cliff
For the brave captain cavalier of the wild, the Alpha

©copyrighted by Jelyn Piad(Jhelchemy)2014 

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