"If you take any activity, any art, any discipline, any skill, take it and push it as far as it will go, push it beyond where it has ever been before, push it to the wildest edge of edges, then you force it into the realm of MAGIC " ---Tom Robbins

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Six Feet Underneath

Created: August 24, 2014

My First ever Fibonacci Poem:

Photo Courtesy of Writer's Oasis WW#12



Rove to

Find solace

Six feet underneath

Raising white flag above the earth

Break free from brutal weights of human castigation

Resigning from the dogma of futile sacrifices and grueling battles unwon

Distant feeling the breeze of tranquility laid comfort my weary soul into a peaceful sleep, right here the green lawn, six feet underneath.

©copyrighted by Jelyn Piad(Jhelchemy)2014 

Thursday, 21 August 2014

O’ Mistress Of The Ocean

Created: August 18, 2014

My Entry which I originally posted first for G+ Writer's Oasis Community's Word Wednesday #11

Photo courtesy of Writer's Oasis WW#11

A Forlorn fate that was!
Witness by a critic’s eye
A beauty once adored
Abandoned bleak onto the shore

What have they done to thee?
O’ mistress of the ocean

Thy glamorous kingdom in the deep wrecked,
Those colorful garden corals of yours turned grey,
Your magnificent haven down under shattered
Cyanide and dynamite destroyed your majestic bed

What have they done to thee?
O’ mistress of the ocean

Your serene neighborhood transformed to chaos
Your dearest family put to extinction
Not a sound of lovely siren but a shriek can now be heard
There they are, floating thru the waves cold and dead

What have they done to thee?
O' mistress of the ocean

I had witness thy agony,
It’s heartbreaking to see
The kindness of thee been exploited,
A victim of lust and greed

What have they done to thee?
O' mistress of the ocean

Dressed you with sorts of dirt
Blanketed with dark grease
Fed you with toxic wastes,
And suffocates the air you breathe

What have they done to thee?
O' mistress of the ocean

You’ve given everyone’s a bounty,
Yet they treated you harshly
You’re exquisiteness faded
Alas, your friend mankind brought you the burden!

©copyrighted by Jelyn Piad(Jhelchemy)2014